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Unlock is a protocol for creating memberships and subscriptions as NFTs

Explore our developer documentation including a complete protocol referencedeveloper tools and tutorials in order to integrate Unlock into your website or application.

Why Unlock?

Details about how Unlock is built and the specific use cases it enables.

Developer Tools

Get up and running with libraries, APIs and integration tools.

Examples & Tutorials

Learn how to interact with the smart contracts or use our template repos.

New to web3?

Gain an understanding of key concepts unique to web3 but not specific to Unlock Protocol.
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<h3>Glossary of Terms</h3>
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In the Unlock ecosystem...
A connection between a creator, brand or project and a fan or
community member. A membership usual confers benefits or special
access to those who hold it. Members can also connect directly
with each other.
a “Lock” is a smart contract that creates (or “mints”) NFTs.
Locks also can be used to ensure “members-only” access to
resources like online content, live events, online
certifications, or other “members-only” experiences.
a “Key” is an NFT (minted by a Lock) that has additional
features added to it to facilitate the management of
memberships, such as an expiration date.
A web app built by Unlock Labs for creating "Locks", managing
"Keys", and more.
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See Full Glossary